December 2008 Newsletter

Article Index


Kalk Bay

Image2008 was an incredibly tough year for most of us, despite this Kalk Bay dojo managed to grow significantly in numbers and also produced our first black belt, which was a fantastic milestone. I would hope that we can achieve more of the same in this new year.

2009 is looming with a whole new set of challenges facing us. To achieve most of them in one year would be nearly impossible but I challenge everybody to step onto the floor this year with a renewed focus on improving yourselves in your training. In doing so we will all be able to learn so much more by training with each other.

It is so important to re-evaluate your outlook on how you train as often as possible and I challenge all students to find a way of contributing to your respective dojos in order to create the best possible training environment whether it is by helping someone junior to yourselves, or by introducing students to help your dojo grow, or simply offering of your time in the running of your dojo.

I look forward to seeing all of you on the floor in 2009.


How quickly 2008 went! Early in the year the kids gave a karate demonstration at the new Bosman's Crossing shopping and flat development in Stellenbosch to spark some interest from our local community, which was enjoyed by the kids themselves and the onlookers. The junior and pre kushido classes are showing good potential with some orange belts on the horizon. At our last class of the term the juniors enjoyed their end of the year party and each received a certificate showing their respective attendance throughout the year, with Thys Sutherland having a 93% attendance!

In the senior class, Deon Esau and Sonia Woudberg earned their well-deserved green belts. 2009 Promises to be a great year with the addition of a whole lot of new beginners to our classes. Keep on training!

Lyndoch Dojo

ImageIn July, Kushido began giving karate classes at the Sustainability Institute (S.I.) just outside of Stellenbosch to the children of Lyndoch Primary School. The S.I. is an organisation that supports opportunity projects for the local developing community of Lyndoch. Amelie Guyot from Kushido, who volunteers at the organisation as part of her masters degree organised karate classes as a way to encourage more discipline and learning capacity for the children.

There are about 40 students taking part in the classes and during the initial 6 months of training they have received their first stripe, and eagerly awaited gis. Although we have had some frustration during these first two terms, we finished the year off on a positive note and we look forward to a fantastic 2009.